Johns and the Environment

Just consider all the corrosive and toxic substances that get deposited on well-traveled streets, roads and highways ...including asphalt, ferites, engine and brake residue, antifreeze, grease, oil, rust and asbestos, to name only a few. All these contaminants collect on tires, wheels, fenders and other vehicle surfaces, after which runoff from home car washing can eventually release them into storm drains designed for rainwater. Even when bio-friendly soap (or no soap at all) is used, hosing off a car's body and wheels dislodges pollutants that can end up in rivers, lakes, and streams. Rather than flush these biohazards into the water supply, come to Johns. Now that we all know better...
At one time, the burning of trash in backyard incinerators and open areas was a common sight in suburban neighborhoods, until concern for the environment ended this form of pollution. Today, Salem residents recycle nearly 40% of their refuse, keeping it out of landfills and reducing pollution. Home car washing is another serious kind of pollution that can easily be eliminated.